Monday, April 18, 2016
08:30 AM - 11:45 AM
This tutorial is based upon experience developing data governance programs for a large and a small decentralized organization. Students will be presented a framework for strategic planning to shape the program. Specific implementation tools, techniques and tactics will then be presented to support the strategic plan. In some cases, multiple options will be presented, and their benefits and risks compared.
The tutorial will focus on both the top-down executive sponsorship and planning required, and the bottom-up quick-win tactics that can gain credibility and buy-in. In combination, these provide the objectives for a successful middle-out data governance program.
Students will be presented: - Data governance role and responsibility options
- Data governance organization options
- Data governance marketing and evangelization techniques
- Quick-win data governance project suggestions
Dan is the CIO for a large city health services agency with a 1.2 billion dollar budget. Previously he was the Director for the State of New Jersey's Data Management Services Division. While at New Jersey he was the State's first Enterprise Data Architect, first Data Warehousing Manager and first Director of Data Management Services. Dan has made more than one hundred presentations on a variety of data management and technology topics on three continents, including a dozen keynotes. In his spare time, he is a soccer referee, assignor and assessor. He plays keyboards for a number of different bands as time permits.