W1: I Know We Need a Data Program – What Do I Do Now?
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  Donna Burbank   Donna Burbank
Managing Director
Global Data Strategy, Ltd


Sunday, April 17, 2016
02:30 PM - 05:45 PM

Level:  Business/Strategic

While most practitioners agree that ongoing data quality and data governance programs are extremely important for business survival, many are unsure how to overcome the numerous barriers encountered while trying to develop or improve their programs, or how to effectively communicate the need for and progress of these programs to executive stakeholders.

How do you quantify the current level of quality when no quality program yet exists? How do you communicate (and quantify) the progress achieved in an existing program in language that senior stakeholders will understand, and thus continue to support?

This three-hour tutorial provides participants with an easy-to-follow roadmap for developing an effective data program within a matter of months, without having to hire additional resources or purchase additional technology. Participants will also learn how to establish a highly valuable cross-functional network of supporters and advocates necessary for securing top-down support, funds and future resources.

Through beginner-to-intermediate level discussion, hands-on group activities and case study examples, participants in this workshop will learn and discuss how to:

  • Identify and overcome common barriers and critical success factors
  • Easily assess the organization’s level of readiness for any type of data program
  • Identify and prioritize cross-functional program needs
  • Identify siloed cross-functional stakeholders and turn them into program advocates
  • Effectively communicate needs and expected ROI to senior executive stakeholders
  • Develop a realistic program framework and maturity model

Donna Burbank, is a recognized industry expert in information management with over 20 years of experience in data management and enterprise architecture. She currently is the Managing Director of Global Data Strategy Ltd, an international data management consulting company. Her background is multi-faceted across consulting, product development, product management, brand strategy, marketing, and business leadership in organizations such as CA Technologies, Embarcadero Technologies, and PLATINUM Technologies. She has worked with dozens of Fortune 500 companies worldwide in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa and speaks regularly at industry conferences. She has co-authored two books: Data Modeling for the Business and Data Modeling Made Simple with CA ERwin Data Modeler r8. She can be reached at donna.burbank@globaldatastrategy.com.

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